Thursday, October 02, 2008


Loved Tara Hunt's talk. Trying to embrace her thinking at PhlooQ and elsewhere. I did not catch all 5 of her larger messages but she did provide lists along the way that supported her talk. I captured a few of these lists here: 2 SETS OF 10 COMMANDMENTS TO BECOME A BEACON IN THE MARKETPLACE (Plus 7 ways to embrace the chaos...)

The ten commandments of listening to a social network conversation:

1. Listen to experts but design for novices...
2. What people want and what they say they want is very different...know the difference.
3. Thou shalt respond to feedback even when you need to say "No thanks."
4. Don't take negative feedback personally.
5. Give credit to people whose ideas you use or integrate.
6. Flag even small changes you make to alert your users...
7. Make small incremental iterative changes rather than hold off for big ones.
8. Realize simplest improvements make biggest improvements: button shape change, color change. A 10 pixel change can make all the difference.
9. Remove the corporate ego--its about them and their needs not you.
10. Avoid consensus. It guarantees mediocrity.

The ten commandments of creating great product experiences:

1. Pay close attention to details
2. Go above and beyond: Zappos looks at Virgin and goes beyond...
3. Appeal to emotion and nostalgia
4. Be a social catalyst: connect your customers to each other
5. Inject fun into your product
6. Experiment and be agile. Try little things all the time.
7. Turn banality into something fashionable: sexy toothpaste!
8. Design for flow! Think of "games" as a framing device.
9. Let people personalize. I am unique just like everyone else!
10. Make happiness your business model.

7 Ways to embrace the chaos:

1. Stop moving and look around until you see everything clearly
2. Transfer the knowledge: transparency produces better ideas from the marketplace
3. Every time you feel anxiety, acknowledge it
4. Define your own measure of success
5. Get outside of your personal circle
6. Realize that everything is out of your control
7. Have patience

Find your purpose: do well by doing good.

Some tips on where to look to find your purpose:
1. Try democratizing something...
2. Open it up...
3. Build bridges...
4. Spread love...
5. Value something bigger than yourself...

When I look ever these lists I can't help but I think PhlooQ can help others "maximize their social capital." Man, to be able to help people "listen," "create great experiences through engagement,"and to help people "build bridges & spread love" that would be going from (to twist an old term) "from good to great."

So now what?

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