Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Banks, banking... Do we love our banks? Hate them? Are we indifferent?

Banks, banking, the business model at the very heart of the current financial crisis.

Do we love our banks? Hate them? Are we indifferent?

If we could customize a bank to serve us as we saw fit, what would we ask of the institution?

Me? I'd like my bank to be:

* a "community"
* a place where I knew the people who handled my money
* a place where I knew the people who banked there

I'd like my bank to offer me:

* a micro-loan function that I could participate in both as lender and/or borrower
* state-of-the art technologies: for example, I'd like my bank to enable me to pay for my bills with cell phone number.
* better credit/debt service--proactively
* ways to optimize my financial services and options.

This is just a getting started list...

What else could I ask of my bank if I had my druthers?

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