Tuesday, January 30, 2007


The last book I read that deeply affected my approach to managing a business was Jim Collins' Good to Great. I've read many book since but few that resonated with me. Now I get to add a new one to the list: The One Number to Grow.

I know, I know, NetPromoter.com launched long ago. And Fred Reichheld's book has been out for seemingly forever now. But the impact of measuring business performance based on the golden rule: "treat others in the way you want to be treated." Is not a trivial insight. That paired with an effective methodology to measure the effect of that treatment on your customers is really mindblowing.

At the end of the day, what does loyalty measure? How trapped a customer is? And what does does satisfaction measure? How you performed on a task for a customer that they don't place any value on?

In business one learns quickly, you can never win an argument. Never. If you need to be reminded of why this is--go back and re-read Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People. Nothing matters but how your customers feel about your business.

In my own companies it bears out as true that facts and even right and wrong are ultimately irrelevant. All the matters is how your customers feel about you...even more specifically do they feel strongly enough to consistently and repeatedly reccommend your business to others?

If you want to learn how to grow good profit and create a truly powerful customer base. Read Collins' Good to Great and then read, Reichheld's The One Number to Grow. His discussion of Net Promoter measurement is invaluable--I think especially invaluable to start-ups--where this measure is most easily lost in the chaos of getting to market.

For more info check out: NetPromoter.com


Amy Madsen said...

For those who are interested, Fred writes a blog, which is usually published monthly. Here is a link to it:


Unknown said...

Thanks Amy! I have Fred listed uner my links on the right hand side of the blog. This will call attention to this URL. So thanks for the comment!